Walking a dog in Santa Monica

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Walking a dog in Santa Monica

The last week we've had great weather, and Finn has helped me take advantage of it. The Palisades Park in Santa Monica, overlooking the bluffs and ocean, is an awesome place to walk a dog when the weather is nice. For Finnegan going to the park means a world of excitement. There are squirrels, birds, and loads of other walking dogs.

We're always looking for new places to travel with the puppy, to expose him to things and make sure he knows, but if we never find anywhere else, Santa Monica offers everything. There is the Palisades park, third street promenade (complete with dancing monkey), the Santa Monica pier, the beach, the bluffs and lots of other things that are only interesting to a dog so I don't know what they are. Like I said there are hundreds of dogs out there and they are welcome everywhere except on the beach (legally speaking but ya know...). Finn's coming along well, and if nothing else the trips to the bluffs means his ego gets stroked. His shiny fur and still a baby golden retriever looks caused a slew of compliments. All the excitement and attention meant Bear was too busy to let me take a picture, what I could get is posted.


Amber-Mae said...

What a great place to go for a walk! Your fur is very nice & so is your face, Finn. You're right! Your face is still like a baby face. Do people ask your hoomans whether you're a girl sometimes? Many people call me a "male" but do I look like one? I'm confused. I know I act like one, kekekee!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba said...

Looks like a great place to walk!! *sigh* I'm sooo sick of snow and cold weather!!


Mogley G. Retriever said...

Hi, my name is Mogley, I am a Golden Retriever that went from death row to a warm home. I write a blog to help people learn how important having a good home is to a lost and lonely golden in a kennels somewhere. See my blog at http://mogley-adogslife.blogspot.com/
Would you like to have a play date sometime? We could go run in the snow, fetch a duck or just run in the woods?

Your friend,
Mogley G. Retriever

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so jealous of your nice weather. Our dog, however absolutely loves the multiple feet of snow she's been able to play in.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I would like an ocean. Do you think if I put up a pier, an ocean would grow?

Doggil said...

I like your blog it has a lot of cool things.

God bless

☮momoKo said...

My name is Naomi live with A golden retriever live in Japan.
The goldie her name is Momoko 1 year and 7 months old .
I looked for your blog by a keyword search that blog with golden retriever .
Its so nice to know You and Finn.
I wish see your blog sometime.

nipsum said...

How do you do.
We hope to see blogs please.
Please link to this site.

boxers dog said...

its wonderful. i like it.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, no dogs are allowed on the beach or the pier at Santa Monica. On separate occasions, my two small babies were asked by a beach life guard, and pier security to leave. They were friendly about it, but still asked us to go.

Dogs however, are allowed on the walking path along the beach, and you can find us there on any given Saturday. In fact, we're about to head over there now.