Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Finn met a bear last night. Not a real one, luckily, it was the Bruin Bear statue on UCLA's campus. We stopped off at CPK in Westwood first then parked and took Finn out for a picnic on one of the quads. We brought his food and a toy so he wouldn't feel left out and sat eating well he sniffed around, testing the limits of his leash. After dinner we took him on his nightly walk, this time around the campus. It was harder than his normal walks thanks to all the hills. He seems to have this socialization thing down pretty well, though he did attempt to go meet a few people he generally was distracted by all the great things to see. Before leaving we stopped in front of Moore hall so Julia and Finn could take a picture in front of her dad's building.

That's Finn jumping on me during our picnic.

Here's Julia playing with Finn on one of UCLA's quads

Bruin the bear, Finn wasn't afraid in the least.

In front of Moore Hall

That's the inverted fountain that drains to the basement of the math department.