Dog Blog Links: 2nd Edition

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dog Blog Links: 2nd Edition

Got some more links for everyone, again these are all the blogs I read and the posts I starred (for one reason or another) in my RSS reader.

Life Of A Dog Rescuer: A dedicated dog lover and the stories of saving some great pets, yet another dog rescued this week

Amber's Diary: Amber learned a pretty cool trick and there is a video of it here posted.

Johann The Dog: A recap of a dog recent dog rescue, also mentioned over at Pop Dog Blog.The dog was caught down a 30ft well and rescued after a parallel rescue hole was dug.

Wonderruby: A unique cartoon and video. If I were getting a small dog Ruby would make me consider the Boston terrier a little harder.

Mad About Labrador Retrievers: If anyone is looking to get a dog here is one needing rescuing posted over here.

Lab Tails: Elise is pregnant and due very soon. Pictures of her swollen belly are abound.

My Paw prints on the Web: Lucas turns two and celebrates with a large cake.

Blogs From the Dogs: Another birthday, Jackson turns one.

Dogs Aye View: A puppy and a bunny living together.

Bark Blog: The magazine has an article about what pollutants can harm pets.

Love Is a Four Legged word: 10 reasons dogs and cats are better than kids.

The Chocolate Dog Blog
: A recap of a crazy dog who went running all over the highway

The Dog Days: Benny had surgery, hope he has a speedy recovery

If you know of any other good blogs I should add to the list let me know in the comments. This is just a sampling of the ones I look over but I am always looking to add some more (despite how much of my time reading blogs eats up)


Julia said...


Simba said...

Thanks for the shout out dude!