If Finn were a Human

Saturday, August 4, 2007

If Finn were a Human

Saw this list of questions over at The Chocolate Dog Blog and decided I would answer them too. Expect Finn's entire life story down the line.

1.What car would he drive?
A Toyota Prius, he's a California boy at heart. Plus we know he loves the environment, he eats flowers non stop and is big into digging.

2.Favorite Drink
Robert Mondavi Chardonnay 2004, Napa Valley. I'll admit he licked some off of Ann's hand the other day and he loved it. Also coming soon will be a video of Finn playing with a grape, very amusing.

3.Favorite Meal
Dodger dogs. Really who doesn't love them.

4.Dream Date
Tickets to a Dodger game (hence the favorite meal) specifically the All-You-Can-Eat Pavilion.

5.Favorite Music
Classical. It's a reminder of his childhood when he used to fall asleep with his brothers and sisters to some soothing classical tunes.

6.Favorite Tv Show
Lost, and Vincent is his favorite character. All the lush forest would make him salivate, and he loves to explore.
Big Love. He relates to Bill's dad who pees in the sink if he can't make it to the bathroom. When you gotta go, you gotta go.

Fireman. Finn loves helping people and thinks he is the most heroic being ever alive. His knack for finding water is unparalleled in the business and we already know he loves hoses.

Note: The questions may be a meme, The Chocolate Dog credited this site with them. Juicy Dog Couture: If Huey Were Human...


Simba said...

Cool! I'm going to post answers on my blog!

Julie K said...

Thanks for stopping by,a pleasure to meet you Finn!!!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hi, Finn, thanks for stopping by! We have added you to our Bloglines so we will know when you updated. As soon as we can get Mom to help, we will add you to our list of doggie friends on our blog too!

M-Fax said...

wow I have to get one of those pools

Claudio Rodriguez Valdes said...

Great post...
So you have your dog all figured out! thats great! He seems cute!
I will be waiting for more videos!

Thanks for sharing
