Open green space - Taking the Dog to a park

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Open green space - Taking the Dog to a park

Unsure how Finn would deal with crossing a five lane road, I had been holding off on taking him to the park. Then two days ago, on a regular walk, we took him on a major street. Cars zipping by at 55, buses passing, all the great distractions of a traffic corridor and he was normal. Sniffing the roses, trying to eat stuff he should not be eating, he handled it like a champ so I decided it was time.
After loading up my backpack with water, his portable water bowl, some treats and a toy we set off on our trek. Okay, most likely this was not a trek (only about .8 miles on Gmaps pedometer) but it was high noon with the sun pounding away, not to mention that the way there is not exactly a flat path. I'm not sure if it was the heat or simply the excitement, but Finn was better behaved then any other walk he has been on. He was ignoring cool stuff left and right. A gaggle of little kids, 5 guys in business suits, a lady pushing a stroller, people loading groceries, another dog, and even A PIGEON. Finn NEVER ignores birds, but he was in a zone.

We got to the park and made it about 100 yards in when Mr. Eats Flowers decided he was tired and plopped down, insisting we stop. A comfy patch of grass was acquired and a bowl of water produced to let him rehydrate. Then we sat. I got out a magazine and read while Finn lounged in the shade. He would get up and wander for a few minutes at a time, but I was always able to coax him back with a few treats.
We spent roughly a half hour just hanging out and playing short games of fetch before he got antsy. There were too many people around, and a road to close, to let him run wild off leash so as Finn regained his energy we packed up and headed out. The walk home was ideal, no leashing pulling, no excessive sneezing, just a pleasant day with a puppy.
The trip was a major success and showed that Finn is ready to start seeing the world. Hopefully this weekend we can get him to a cool state park or beach in the L.A. area. Let's just hope he keeps ignoring pigeons.


Femikey said...

helo finn! i already made a sketch for you, hope you like it.. you can visit my blogs at its my pleasure to do a sketch to your lovely dog finn! thanks!

Caitlin said...

I got the link to your blog on Dog

I just took my dog to the dog beach in Long Beach for the first time a couple days ago. I was nervous about letting him off the leash with no fences around (he's only been with me 3 months), but he was a champ. He was nervous about the water and didn't really want to play with the other dogs, but he enjoyed walking through the sand and visiting with the other people, who were all extremely friendly to us newbies.

Check it out: